Connected QR code
Responses to review (IA)
Academy implementation, training and coaching
Customer Service / Support 7 days a week
90-day positioning guarantee
Review request platform (including 24 hour call back)
Update of the image and optimization of your file
Registration to 5 directories
Exclusive performance report - monthly
Publications and various activities on the form



- Connected QR code
- Responses to review (IA)
- Academy implementation, training and coaching
- Customer Service / Support 7 days a week
- Connected QR code
- Responses to review (IA)
- Academy implementation, training and coaching
- Customer Service / Support 7 days a week
- 90-day positioning guarantee
- Review request platform (including 24 hour call back)
- Update of the image and optimization of your file
- Registration to 5 directories
- Connected QR code
- Responses to review (IA)
- Academy implementation, training and coaching
- Customer Service / Support 7 days a week
- 90-day positioning guarantee
- Review request platform (including 24 hour call back)
- Update of the image and optimization of your file
- Registration to 5 directories
- Exclusive performance report – monthly
- Publications and various activities on the form